Brand Identity


Cultivating Brand Identity: Merging Tangible and Intangible Elements


  • Collaborative personality: Our brand embodied openness and partnership, fostering trust and engagement.

  • Shared values: We championed unity, integrity, and collective action, resonating with stakeholders.

  • Compelling storytelling: We showcased real-world impact and collaboration's power, connecting with audiences on an emotional level.

By strategically aligning tangible and intangible elements, we built a brand that transcended awareness and drove action. This experience instilled in me the immense value of authentic, purpose-driven branding in achieving social impact.

My time at PMI, leading a standalone education campaign against illegal trade, was a powerful lesson in the impact of a cohesive brand identity. We recognized the need for a unified front, captured in our motto "no one can fight illicit trade on their own." This ethos translated into both tangible and intangible branding elements:


  • Inclusive messaging: Our communication emphasized collaboration, bringing together governments, companies, and civil society.

  • Unified visuals: We developed a consistent visual identity across platforms, reinforcing recognition and professionalism.


Identity in Corporate Communications

Crafting a unified message to cultivate a strong brand identity



Unified Content For Digital and Physical Formats

Maintaining a consistent visual identity across all digital assets, collateral, and event materials.



Awareness Through a Unified Voice and Partnerships

Utilized a cohesive brand and unified voice to effectively raise awareness through collaborative partnerships.